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California Questionnaire: Alice Waters

California Questionnaire: Alice Waters

的 legendary chef and food pioneer sheds light on her home-state favorites and her mission to change how we eat

Internationally acclaimed chef and cookbook author, 成功的餐馆老板, 鼓舞人心的老师, and mentor—Alice Waters has done enough in her lifetime to make anyone pull up a lawn chair and relax for a while. 但沃特斯不是. In 1971, when she opened her celebrated 潘尼斯之家 餐厅 加州大学伯克利分校, she sparked an eat local/eat sustainable revolution that changed the way we think about food. 更多的 than four decades later, Waters shows no signs of slowing down. With her easy smile at the ready, Waters still oversees 潘尼斯之家, pushes the gospel of 状态 and locally grown foods through the international Slow Food movement, and works tirelessly to bring school gardens and healthful, locally sourced foods into schools nationwide through her foundation, 的 Edible Schoolyard Project. Despite this brimming schedule, in 2021 she also found the time to open 露露, a collaboration with chef and cookbook author David Tannis tucked into the courtyard of Los Angeles’ 锤博物馆.

你住在哪里?? 加州大学伯克利分校.

为什么? 我去学校在 University of California, 加州大学伯克利分校, and stayed after graduation. I feel that the shared values of the community convinced me to live here and make a restaurant. 晚些时候, through my work with the public schools [here], I knew this was also the perfect place for the Edible Schoolyard Garden we created at Martin Luther King Middle School, and as the home for my foundation, 的 Edible Schoolyard Project.

Who or what is your greatest California love? 国家公园. 我爱 穆尔森林 and so many stretches of coastline along the northern parts of California. 约塞米蒂 is, of course, exceptional.

What is the biggest misperception about Californians? 的re is a misperception that Californians have it really good because we have everything available to us and everything can grow year-round. But the truth is we have to abide by the seasons as much as anyone. In Northern California, for example, we only have good tomatoes three months of the year, locally!

What is the stereotype that most holds true? People often think of Northern California as a place where great ideas are born—and that is absolutely true! I think enlightened people who want to change the world and shake things up are attracted to this place because of the open mindset and the public University of California. 有 so many great ideas that have started here and traveled around the country and the world.

What is your favorite Golden State moment? My favorite moment is the garlic harvest in mid-July. At 潘尼斯之家, we have an annual celebration on Bastille Day to celebrate the harvest. It is one of my favorite days of the year; we create a special menu in honor of the beautiful garlic that has arrived and friends come to share a meal and dance.

时间到了。 公路旅行-你要去哪里? Wandering through the back roads of 马林县. Driving these roads is really quintessential California to me—the rolling hills and quiet of the trees. 的re is something comforting and inspiring about the landscape and coast, and there are so many little places to stop for a picnic, or at a little restaurant that buys local food. 你不会出错的!

If you could decree an official state culinary experience, what would it be? 的 Ferry Plaza Farmers' Market in 旧金山. 我到这里 每周六上午 to buy the freshest organic food from all my favorite farmers and to eat lunch. 有 大型农贸市场 in nearly all cities in California.

最佳加州歌曲? "旧金山 (Open Your Golden Gate)." It is from the 1936 movie 旧金山, starring Jeanette MacDonald and Clark Gable.

How would your California dream day unfold? It would start with a walk in the 加州大学伯克利分校 Hills down the paths to 印度n Rock or 蒂尔登公园. 然后我会去参观 伯克利艺术博物馆 before going to eat lunch at 潘尼斯之家 with a friend. My day would end [by] going to see a film, or a play at the 加州大学伯克利分校 Repertory 的ater




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